Sunday, May 29, 2011

Crazy things

Well, as you have heard and figured out that Michaela and I got here to Costa Rica. And we are still alive, can you believe it? Yeah, so can I! Anyways, first night after we got here I experinced seeing a cockroach. Nothing happened to that one, it stayed on the wall. But since that night with a few little screams...little mind you, well they weren't really screams but more of, Ah! Oh! Help! You bug get back here! Don't touch me, get away! ..yeah little things like that. I like to talk to my new friends before I kill them :) But true story, I have killed two cockroaches, proud to say... with a broom. Getting it stuck inside the broom long enough to toss it in the toliet and flush is down. Usually while this is going on in the background of the evening Michaela is working away with Spanish or something and laughs a few times, at ME no doubt, lol. Funny. I'm glad Michaela gets to be here with us! She's a lot of fun. But yeah, I'm excited about the killing those things. Yay!
When it comes to Spanish. My mind doesn't know a thing anyone's saying yet. Michaela's gonna be helping me a bit, like she already has. Sometimes someone will come up to me and start talking and I have no clue, so I turn to Michaela and nudge her and say desparation, "Help!" The other night at Bible study they were talking about Michaela and how she learned fast and knows a bit now, and they point to me and say, "..and she knows nothing." Lol, so true. It made me laugh. Oh yeah, they have Bible study outside, so the June bugs and anything else around come to the light....that happens to be by us. So through the night people realized that Justine + Bugs = EXPLODSION (spelling?). So, this one guy decides to give me a hand shake before him and his wife left and puts a cricket in his hand to pass to me as he shook my hand, to bad I didn't catch his little joke before he did it. But it worked, I can laugh now...!
SoMichaela was practicing the gospel message in Spanish tonight which was awesome and great and I love it. Then she told me how she was practicing saying "sin" but instead was saying "fish". Now me, I couldn't have told the difference until she pointed it out. But still it made both of us laugh. It reminded me of a movie I had watched before on a missionary who was trying to share the gospel in another language and ended up using thier word for "out-house" instead. So at least it wasn't to that extreame. That would be terrible! Anyways...
Off to bed, I'll talk more. But heres a start :D
So, If anyone's wanting to write. Here's the address for Michaela, Natalie and I while on our mission trip in Costa Rica. Be sure and put on the envelope, Phil and Rebecca McKay, not us girls' names (it will confuse the post office :). You can put a note inside or on another envelope inside saying who it's for and it will get to us through Pastor Phil.
Phil & Rebecca McKay
Apartado #13-5159
Villareal, Santa Cruz
Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Central America.